Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a proven
technique to help people who struggle to manage emotions regardless of diagnosis.
DBT is highly effective when people are resorting to unhealthy coping behaviors such as eating disorders, addiction, & self-harm behaviors to learn effective, healthy coping skills to manage issues. At PSC, we offer DBT groups for men & women and believe that individual DBT therapy is an essential & mandatory compliment to the DBT skill group.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) was created in 1993 by Marsha Linehan, Ph. D. It was originally created to treat Borderline Personality Disorder. It is now used to treat a large number of different conditions. DBT treatment consists of both individual therapy with a DBT therapist and group therapy. Receiving one component (group or individual therapy) without the other will not be as successful as with both treatment modalities. DBT group is a skills group, which means that it is more of a class setting, where people learn healthier coping with life issues. The DBT program consists of 4 modules: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Anne-Marie Cummings, LCSW
has been a DBT therapist for over 16 years. She has been treating both adults and adolescents with a variety of different disorders, in public mental health as well as in private practice. She has received extensive DBT training over the years, some of it with Behavioral Tech, which is the group behind Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., the creator of the DBT program. Anne-Marie considers DBT to be her main clinical orientation and has provided DBT training to groups as well as provided DBT supervision and consultation to groups and to other therapists. She currently manages both the DBT Women’s group and the DBT Men’s group.
Sarah Millman Carley, LPA, HSP-PA
uses her DBT training to provide individual DBT therapy for adolescents and adults
Sean Miller, MSW, LCSW, LCASA
has been intensively trained in DBT by Behavioral Tech. He has conducted co-ed adult DBT groups, parent, adolescent, as well as multi-family DBT groups. Sean views DBT as an opportunity to learn skills for coping with a wide variety of issues, from depression to personality disorders, and substance use – AND to develop a life worth living. Sean finds using DBT skills in his own life one way to increase how effective he is living and achieving his own goals.
Brian R. Monteleone, Ph.D.
completed a 1 year DBT training program at the Salem VA Medical Center. Dr. Monteleone has practiced DBT since 2000 with individual and group therapy, as well as facilitating DBT Trainings for 10 years.